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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
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  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Grammatik" - Partizipialkonstruktion
Partizipialkonstruktion < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Partizipialkonstruktion: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:29 Di 17.03.2015
Autor: zitrone

Guten Abend!

Habe wieder eine Aufgabe zur Grammatik, bei der ich mich einfach frage, ob ich es so richtig gemacht habe. Könnte sich das daher bitte jmd ansehen und kommentieren, falls etwas falsch sein sollte?

"Combine the two sentences by using a participle construction."

1. The thermal conductivity falls when a magnetic field is applied. The effect is analogous to the fall in electrical conductivity. (= and)
2. The simplest arrangement of all crystals is that which gives cubic crystals. The atoms throughout the crystal are also arranged in little cubes. (= and)
3. The two scientists carried out very complicated experiments. After this they compared their results. (After ...)
4. The scientists worked with old equipment. They achieved good results. (Although ...)
5. The material is defective. It cannot be used. (= because)

1. The thermal conductivity is falling when a magnetic field is appliedand and the effect is analogous to the fall in electrical conductivity.
2. The atoms throughout the crystal are arranged in little cubes and this is the simplest arrangement of all crystals.
3. After the two scientists carried out very complicated experiments, they compared their results.
4. Although the scientists worked with old equipment, they achieved good results.
5. Because the material is defective, it cannot be used.

LG zitrone

Partizipialkonstruktion: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:31 Mi 18.03.2015
Autor: DieAcht

Hallo zitrone!

Passt. [ok]


Partizipialkonstruktion: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:01 Mi 18.03.2015
Autor: zitrone

super, danke!

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