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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - A Trip to London
A Trip to London < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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A Trip to London: Guided Writing
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 21:05 Di 23.06.2009
Autor: orientalic

You went on a trip to London with Cityworld Tours. Some of the things advertised in the leaflet
(see below) turned out to be wrong. Write a letter of complaint to Cityworld tours including the
following aspects:
û accommodation
û guide
û entrance fees
û London by night
û one additional aspect
Don’t forget to write a suitable
beginning and ending.
See London with our package tours
Included in the price:
F all transport arranged
F comfortable rooms in top-class
hotels near the city centre
F sightseeing tour with
German-speaking tourist guide
F all entrance fees
F London by night
F trip to Windsor

Dear Sir and Madam,

for two weeks I went on a trip to London with Cityworld Tours. And I must complain that some of the things advertised in the leaflet turned out to be wrong.
Our accommodation wasn't near the city centre, it had taken half hours to get to the city centre, so we had to take the tube,which was very expensive.
Also I had to complain about the quide, because he speaks a very horrible German. We had to ask again and again, until we had unterstood anything.
The next point I would talk about are,that some of the entrance fees ,weren't included in the price. For example we had to pay for Madam Toussaud,which wasn't very cheap. Furthermore we wanted to see some sights in the night,but the worker Cityworld tours, were not to be found,maybe the were slept. Another aspect I would tell is,that we hadn't make a trip to Windsor, because of the bad weather. I think it's no reason to cancel the trip, so we had to visit Windsor by own. I would be pleased about ,if you could change the advertised things in the leaflet or improve your services. Because I payed a lot for this trip to London and I was very dissapointed that some things turned out to be wrong.

Your faithfully
Sarha McDeal

A Trip to London: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:21 Mi 24.06.2009
Autor: M.Rex


Ich vermute mal, du willst den Brief korrekturgelesen haben, oder?

Dear Sir andor Madam,
for two weeks I went on a trip to London with Cityworld Tours. And I must complain that some of the things advertised in the leaflet turned out to be wrong. Our accommodation wasn't near the city centre, it had taken half an hours to get into the city centre, so we had to take the tube, which was very expensive.
Also I had to complain about the quide, because he speaks a very horribleterrible German. We had to ask again and again, until we had unterstood anything.
The next point I would talk about are,that some of the entrance fees , weren't included in the price. For example, we had to pay for Madam Toussaud, which wasn't very cheap.
Furthermore we wanted to see some sights in the night, but the worker Cityworld tours?? were not to be found we were not able to found??, maybe they were slept. Another aspect I would tell is, that we hadn't makedidn't do a trip to Windsor, because of the bad weather. I think it's no reason to cancel the trip, so we had to visit Windsor by ownourselves. I would be pleased about I'd like you to ask, if you could change the advertisedment things in the leaflet or improve your services. Bbecause I payed a lot for this trip to London and I was very dissapointed, that some things turned out to be wrong.

Your faithfully
Sarha McDeal


Die ganzen Korrekturen sind natürlich ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit zu sehen ;-)


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