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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Abstract
Abstract < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Abstract: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:47 Do 30.10.2008
Autor: Tyskie84

Hallo zusammen,

habe einen abstract zur Luftverschmutzung geschrieben und bitte um Korrekurlesen.

A sub discipline of meteorology is the urban-meteorology, which deals with the feature of climatologically conditions in cities. Especially emphasize is the anthropogenic atmospheric pollution, which cause an alteration of natural composition of air, in particular with smoke, soot, dust, gas and aerosol. The urban conditions and coincidentally the effects of atmospheric pollution influence the radiation-, temperature-, humidity-, precipitation and wind ratios and lead to distinctions of climate in cities in comparison to the natural hinterland. Because of the increasing environmental awareness and the evermore increasing development attain branch of research more and more in foreground. Essential in the coherence is the so called propagation calculation of air pollutants in the below atmosphere, which give a functional coherency between concentration of air pollutants and the distance of he pollution emitter. The studies of urban climate deal with land-use planning, detection of emission sources and in this combination a directly consequence on climate. In case, that in future more than 70% of world population will live in cities, show the importance of these studies.

Vielen Dank!

[hut] Gruß

Abstract: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:00 Do 30.10.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
einige kleine Anmerkungen ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:

> Hallo zusammen,
> habe einen abstract zur Luftverschmutzung geschrieben und
> bitte um Korrekurlesen.
> A sub discipline of meteorology is the urban-meteorology,
> which deals with the feature of climatologically conditions
> in cities. Especially to emphasize is the anthropogenic
> atmospheric pollution, which causes an alteration of natural
> composition of air, in particular with smoke, soot, dust,
> gas and aerosol. The urban conditions and coincidentally
> the effects of atmospheric pollution influence the
> radiation-, temperature-, humidity-, precipitation and wind
> ratios and lead to distinctions of climate in cities in
> comparison to the natural hinterland. Because of the
> increasing environmental awareness and the evermore
> increasing development attain branch of research more and
> more in foreground. (vielleicht so: ...the branch of research attains more and more in (into/to?) the foreground)  Essential in the coherence is the so
> called propagation calculation of air pollutants in the
> below atmosphere, which gives a functional coherency between
> concentration of air pollutants and the distance of he
> pollution emitter. The studies of urban climate deal with
> land-use planning, detection of emission sources and in
> this combination a directly consequence on climate. In
> case, that in future more than 70% of world population will
> live in cities, show the importance of these studies.
> Vielen Dank!
> [hut] Gruß

Auch einen schönen Gruß

Abstract: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:29 Do 30.10.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


vielen Dank für die Korrektur. Stimme dir bei den Sachen zu :-)

[hut] Gruß

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