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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
  Status Lektüre
  Status Korrekturlesen
  Status Übersetzung
  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Analyse Structure
Analyse Structure < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Analyse Structure: Short Story
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 15:49 Mi 08.04.2009
Autor: PeterSteiner

[Dateianhang nicht öffentlich]
[Dateianhang nicht öffentlich]

Analyse nach diesen Punkten:
Rising Action
Falling action
Turning point

Habe vorher einen andren Theard gestartet da ich nicht weiss /wusste wie man soetwas macht hier der link zum nachlesen

Bitte auch grammatikfehler anstreichen etc.

In the Introduction, the reader gets some information’s about the characters and the setting. It is a poor family with 15 years old Boy, his name is Billy, the reader doesn’t finds out the exact name from the other characters.
The reader gets some information’s about their look e.g. the woman dress or the father’s moustache. Despite of the family’s poverty the family is very clean. The story takes place in the living-dining room for example a armchair and a table is mentioned.
The author builds a tense atmosphere, he describes a lot of details e.g. the man ignored his wife. Another reason for the suspense is the son, they are waiting for him because he earns his first weeks wages.
The action of the story makes it clear that the family is very poor. The man and the woman quarrel for the money it gets clear that the man wastes the family money in a public house.
The author increases the tension as the son came in. The situation is very tense because both parents ask the sun for the money and pleased him to give it.
The decision, that the boy has lost the money makes for considerable suspense. The suspense climbs to its climax as the father beat his son with his belt.
Afterwards the suspense begins to fall, because the son must go to bed.
The turning point of the story is, as the mother comes upstairs and her son gives her the envelope with the money, that’s the solution to the problem too. Now the father cannot waste the money and the mother can buy some food for the family.

Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: jpg) [nicht öffentlich]
Anhang Nr. 2 (Typ: jpg) [nicht öffentlich]
Analyse Structure: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:01 Do 09.04.2009
Autor: PeterSteiner

Ok, mir wäre schon weitergeholfen wenn einer korrekturlesen könnte:)?

Analyse Structure: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:20 Sa 11.04.2009
Autor: matux

Ansicht: [ geschachtelt ] | ^ Forum "Korrekturlesen"  | ^^ Alle Foren  | ^ Forenbaum  | Materialien

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