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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - BNW for Correction
BNW for Correction < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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BNW for Correction: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:23 Fr 24.04.2009
Autor: Dinker


When she returns to the BNW she is living in the dream world of soma

Huxley’s Brave new World belongs to the literary genre of the dystopian novel, which are warning of a dehumanized future.

Iceland and the Falkland are only mentioned as places where the nonconformist will be arrested.

The Indians are naturally born, get sick and old. They believe in their ancient Indian god and Jesus and live to their traditional values such as family live, rites and ceremonies.

The fives castes differ from each other mentally, physically, their conditioning and their different work.

For example Delta’s are hypnopaedically teached, that they had not to work so hard as Beta.

Their social positions remain unchange throughout their lives.

The misuse of science should contribute to deprive all human feelings.

Thank's a lot

BNW for Correction: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:17 Fr 24.04.2009
Autor: moody

> When she returns to the BNW she is living in the dream
> world of soma

...she lives

is living heißt sie lebt jetzt gerade in diesem Moment dort

> Huxley’s Brave new World belongs to the literary genre of
> the dystopian novel, which are warning of a dehumanized
> future.

which is a warning

> Iceland and the Falkland are only mentioned as places where
> the nonconformist will be arrested.

are arrested

> The Indians are naturally born, get sick and old. They
> believe in their ancient Indian god and Jesus and live to
> their traditional values such as family live, rites and
> ceremonies.

[ok] soweit

Der erste Satz klingt nur komisch.

Sie werden auf natürliche Art und Weise geboren, sie werden krank und alt.

The Indians are naturally born so they grow old and can get sick.

> The fives castes differ from each other mentally,
> physically, their conditioning and their different work.

The fives castes differ from each other mentally and
physically and in their work. These differences are based on the different types of their conditioning.

> For example Delta’s are hypnopaedically teached, that they
> had not to work so hard as Beta.

[notok] Inhaltlich nicht richtig. Es arbeiten alle hart nur eben, dass die Betas höherwertigere Arbeiten erledigen.

> For example Deltas are hypnopaedically teached, so they like to
> perform other types of work than the Betas.

> Their social positions remain unchange throughout their
> lives.


Tippfehler: unchanged

> The misuse of science should contribute to deprive all
> human feelings.

The misuse of science contributes to deprive all human feelings.

lg moody

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