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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
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  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Grammatik" - Direct / Indirect speech
Direct / Indirect speech < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Direct / Indirect speech: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:13 So 29.03.2009
Autor: tomu


direct bzw. indirect speech scheint hier an ein "Standard-Problem" zu sein, gibt sehr viele Fragen dazu.. Hier kommt meine :-)

Bin mir bei den folgenden Sätzen nicht sicher ob das so korrekt ist. Wäre nett wenn sich das mal ein "Profi" anschaut und auch erklären kann warum es evtl. falsch ist.

"We have been to a lot of meetings this week," said Julia.
Julia said that they had a lot of meetings that week.

"Did you phone Charly yesterday?" asked the Peter.
Peter asked whether you had phoned Charly the previous day.

"Have the sales figures for July improved somewhat?" asked the sales.
The sales asked if the sales figures for July were improved somewhat.

"If the meeting is cancelled, I can leave earlier," said the colleague.
The colleague said whether the meeting is cancelled he can leave earlier.

"We will meet tomorrow," replied the boss.
The boss said they would meet the next day.

Danke schonmal im Vorraus für die Erklärung!

Direct / Indirect speech: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 00:32 Mo 30.03.2009
Autor: ollikid

"We have been to a lot of meetings this week," said Julia.
Julia said that they had (been to) a lot of meetings that week.

"Did you phone Charly yesterday?" asked the Peter.
Peter asked whether you had phoned Charly the previous day.

"Have the sales figures for July improved somewhat?" asked the sales.
The sales asked if the sales figures for July had improved somewhat.
// Die Sales-Zahlen kamen vorher raus

"If the meeting is cancelled, I can leave earlier," said the colleague.
The colleague said that if the meeting was cancelled he could leave earlier.
//whether kann man hier nicht schreiben, denn das leitet zwei Optionen ein. Hier hat man aber eine Folge (wenn-dann).
Wenn du sagst "he said" leitest du damit Vergangenheit ein. Daher würde ich anschließend auch bei Vergangenheit bleiben.

"We will meet tomorrow," replied the boss.
The boss said they would meet the next day.

Sonst korrekt.

Liebe Grüße,

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