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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Dringend Korrektur
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Dringend Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:25 Di 24.04.2007
Autor: LaBella

HILFEE hab morgen Schularbeit und brauche dringend eine Korrektur von folgendend Aufsatz. Bitte helf mir!! Danke schon mal...lg bella

Teenage pregnancy seems to be a growing problem in our society and it happens more and more often that girls under eighteen have already their own children.
But what are the reasons for that?
Many people are of the opinion that lots of young mothers only had a baby because they don´t want to work or they didn´t find a job.
But as far as I am able to judge that´s nonsense and I´m absolutely sure that it is false that young women get babies only because of the money.
Unfortunately there are way too much unwanted pregnancies every year in spite of the early sex education at schools.
Nowadays children know too much about sexuality  when they are still  too young but obviousley they don´t know good enough how to prevent pregnancy or the simply don’t think of the consequences of their actions
Unwanted pragnancy forces teenagers to choose between parenthood, abortion or adoption.
In lots of cases the parents of the pregnant teenagers try to persuade them of abortion but I personally believe that all teenage mothers should be given a chance to prove that they too can be responsible parents.
A few years ago there was a case in my circle of friends where a 15 year old girl got pregnant.
It was her wish to abort the baby but it was already too late for it.
At first she was very distressd and didn´t know what to do and she actually tried to commit suicid.
But now two years later  she is really happy that she had given birth to her baby.
Recently I heard about semi-supervised accommodations where under eighteen year old teenage mothers can live together with their children.
And I´m absolutely convinced that such facilities are a great help especially for those young mothers who are because of their early pregnancy abandoned by their own parants.

Dringend Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 17:22 Mi 25.04.2007
Autor: Marion_

Hi Isa,
bitte schön, die Korrektur :).

Teenage pregnancy seems to be a growing problem in our society and it happens more and more often that girls under eighteen have already their own children.
But what are the reasons for that?
Many people are of the opinion that lots of young mothers only have a baby because they don´t want to work or because they didn´t find a job.
But as far as I am able to judge it, it is nonsense and I´m absolutely sure that it is false that young women get babies only because of the money.
Unfortunately there are too much unwanted pregnancies every year in spite of the early sex education at schools.
Nowadays children know too much about sexuality  when they are still  too young but obviousley they don´t know well enough how to prevent pregnancy or the simply don’t think of the consequences of their actions
Unwanted pragnancy forces teenagers to choose between parenthood, abortion or adoption.
In lots of the cases the parents of the pregnant teenagers try to persuade them of abortion but I personally believe that all teenage mothers should be given a chance to prove that they also can be responsible parents.
A few years ago there was a case in my circle of friends where a 15 year old girl got pregnant.
It was her wish to abort the baby but it was already too late for it.
At first she was very distressed and didn´t know what to do and she actually tried to commit suicid.
But now two years later  she is really happy that she has given birth to her baby.
Recently I heard about semi-supervised accommodations where under eighteen year old teenage mothers can live together with their children.
And I´m absolutely convinced that such facilities are a great help especially for those young mothers who are abandoned by their own parants because of their early pregnancy.


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