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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch -Guided Writing
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Englisch -Guided Writing: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:50 So 02.03.2008
Autor: HeBuScH

Wir sollen in englisch daraus einen text schreiben:

full of contrasts-slum districts-beautiful parks/2.25 million people-live/Brooklyn alone-fouth largest city-USA/black people-immigrants from Puerto Rico,Ireland,Italy and the Caribbean-live there/industrial heart of New York/most independent-own harbour,own beaches-own dialect/famous-Brooklyn Bridge-most beautiful-one of the oldest suspension bridges of the world.

habe ich das so richtig geschrieben?

Brooklyn is full of contrasts,slum districts and beautiful parks.There live 2,25million people.Brooklyn alone is the fouth largest city in the USA.Black people,immigrants from Puerto Rico,Ireland,Italy and the Caribbean live there.Brooklyn is the industrial heart of New York.Its most independent they have a own harbour,own beaches and a own dialect.The most beautiful and famous Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest supension bridges of the world.

viele grüße lisa

ich habe diese frage in keinem anderen forum auf anderen internetseiten gestellt.

Englisch -Guided Writing: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 15:43 So 02.03.2008
Autor: Karl_Pech

Hallo Lisa,

> Brooklyn is full of contrasts,slum districts and beautiful
> parks.There live 2,25million people.

Brooklyn is full of contrasts having slum districts as well as beautiful parks. 2.25 million people live there.

> Brooklyn alone is the
> fouth largest city in the USA.

In den dir gegebenen Wortteilen steht das so nicht drin:
Brooklyn alone-fouth largest city-USA/

[]In der englischen Wikipedia steht:

"If the borough was still considered an independent city, it would be the fourth largest city in the United States."

Du kannst es eventuell etwas abkürzen:

Brooklyn alone would be the fourth largest city in the United States, if it was still considered independent.

> Its most independent they have a own harbour,own beaches and a own
> dialect.

This however makes it the most independent borough of New York with its own harbour, own beaches and an own dialect.

> The most beautiful and famous Brooklyn Bridge is
> one of the oldest supension bridges of the world.

The famous Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most beautiful and oldest suspension bridges in the world.


P.S. Keine Gewähr auf die Richtigkeit meiner Korrekturen... . :(

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