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Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Korrigieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:37 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Magellan

Wenn möglich Fehler finden. Wäre sehr freundlich


muss für den englisch Unterricht eine Inhaltsangabe schreiben die sehr wichtig ist und auch abgegeben wird. habe sie fertig allerdings habe ich niemand der mir die Inhaltangabe auf Rechtschreib und Grammatikfehler prüft. Wäre sehr nett, wenn mir jemand dabei helfen könnte. Anbei der Text:

The novel memoirs of a Geisha, tells the story of a nine year old girl called Sakamoto Chiyo becoming a japanese geisha, in first-person view.
It is 1929 in Japan and the small Chiyo has an easy live in a small Fishing village with her older sister and her parents. But when Chiyo´s mother gets sick of bone cancer live changes and her father decides to sell his two daughters because he thinks he’s too old to raise the girls.
Thus it comes that the sisters are brought to Kyoto where their ways separate. Chiyo´s sister Satsu is sold to a brothel where she has to work as a prostitute while the beautiful Chiyo is sold to a Okiya. This means a house where only women live and where Geishas earn the income.
A Geisha is a Japanese maintenance artist, who presents traditional Japanese arts. In this Okiya Chiyo has at first to do the work of a maid. Everything she needs like clothes, medicine and food has to be paid back. But to be able to afford this money she needs to become a geisha too. So she has to start the hard training of a Geisha and practises the housekeeping too.
The only Geisha of the Okiya is called Hatsumomu and she hates Chiyo because of here beauty and her unusual blue-grey eyes. The arrogant Hatsumomo recognises Chiyo´s potential and is upset at any hint of competition.
After a while she starts the training of a geisha which means training at dance, music instruments, tea ceremony and how to maintain men. But then she finds out that her sister is working at a brothel and visits her.
Satsu tells her that she can’t continue this work and that she wants to run away. Chiyo is also sick of the live in the okiya and both decide to run away together. When Chiyo tries to escape from the okiya she is caught by some people living there and her sister has to leave alone.
After Chiyo tried to run away the Lady of the House called “mother” thinks that Chiyo is no worthwhile investment and breaks off her geisha training. So Chiyo has to stay a made all her live and Hatsumomo continues to insult her and to make her live hard.
One day Chiyo meets a man on the street when she was crying. This man is called “Chairman” and is the only person who was nice to her for a long time. He even gives her some money to buy some ice cream. After this meeting she decides that she really wants to become a Geisha and to be the women of this man when she is older. At first there is no more chance for Chiyo to become a geisha.
But then two years later she meets “Mameha” one of the most popular geishas in Gion and the archenemy of Hatsumomo.
She is despised by Hatsumomo because she outshines her in every aspect and having earned her independence as a geisha, unlike Hatsumomo, cannot be toppled. Mameha takes a fancy on Chiyo and on her beautiful eyes and persuades mother to allow her to continue the geisha lessons.
Mameha takes Chiyo´s as her “younger sister”, she shows her the life of geisha, announces her to many customers and protects and trains Chiyo to rival Hatsumomo.
With the help of Mameha Chiyo gets fast very popular and gets her “mizuage”. This means a financial arrangement with that the maiko would find many interested and wealthy buyers to bid on her virginity so the maiko could fully become a geisha. So Chiyo changes from a maiko to a geisha and is from now on called “Sayuri”.
Mother is so impressed by Sayuri´s success that she adopts her and Sayuri becomes later the leader of the okiya. Sayuri´s “ danna” a man who pays for everything she needs but has the right to sleep with her is also very rich and provides prosperity to the okiya.
Sayuri and Mameha even destroy Hatsumomo´s reputation entirely thereafter and Hatsumomo is thrown out of the okiya.
Sayuri´s life seems to have taken a wonderful turn but she still isn´t happy. Since she met the chairman when she was a little girl she fell in love with him and couldn’t forget him. Even though she met him as a geisha she couldn’t be together with him because geishas are not allowed to choose their man on their own. They have to be with the men who have engaged the geisha. But the Chairman didn’t, only his best friend was always very interested in Sayuri. This men is called “Nobu”. Nobu didn’t succeed in getting Sayuri´s mizuage and he also didn’t become her danna but they had a very close friendship.
Of course Sayuri could not give more attention to the Chairman in view of the interest, which Nobu showed at her, and in such a way her dream of living together couldn’t be fulfilled.
But then in 1944 Japan is very strongly involved in World War II and the nightclub district Gion is closed. Sayuri looses her danna and has to work at kimono production. When the war is over Nobu tries to become Sayuri´s danna. This shocks Sayuri much since she does not want to hurt him, but that would inevitably happen, if she had slept with him, since she did not love and also did not desire him.
So to hold Nobu from becoming her danna she made a plan to get caught by Nobu while she sleeps with an other man. But instead of Nobu, she gets caught by the Chairman. At first this seems like a disaster but then Nobu is so angry at Sayuri that he broke off any contact. This smoothed the way of a common life together with the Chairman as he also desired Sayuri since he met her for the first time. When the Chairman frees her from the okiya to become his mistress, she sets up a lavish teahouse for Japanese businessmen in New York and lives together with him like she always wanted.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:02 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Magellan, [willkommenvh]!

Ich kann dir nicht den ganzen Text korrigieren, allerdings sind hier mal ein paar Sachen korrigiert, die mir aufgefallen sind:

> The novel "Memoirs of a Geisha[/red], tells the story of a nine
> year old girl called Sakamoto Chiyo who becomes becoming a japanese
> geisha ,. in first-person view. => wenn du diese Angabe in die Inhaltsangabe reinbringen musst, dann schreib am besten einen neuen Satz.

> It is 1929 In Japan, in 1929 and the small little Chiyo has an easy live in
> a small Fishing village with her older sister and her
> parents. But when Chiyo´s mother gets sick of bone cancer  (was ist das für eine Krankheit? Kann die in meinem Wörterbuch nicht finden)
> her live changesd and her father decides to sell his two
> daughters because he thinks he’s too old to raise rear the
> girls.
> Thus it comes that the sisters are brought to Kyoto where
> their ways separate. Chiyo´s sister Satsu is sold to a
> brothel where she has to work as a prostitute while the
> beautiful Chiyo is sold to a Okiya. This A Okiya means a house
> where only women live and where Geishas earn the income.
> A Geisha is a Japanese maintenance(?) artist, who presents
> traditional Japanese arts. In this Okiya Chiyo has at first
> to do the work of a maid. Everything she needs like
> clothes, medicine and food has to be paid back. But to be
> able to afford this money she needs to become a geisha too.

Was meinst du mir afford hier?

> So she has to start the hard training of a Geisha and
> practises the housekeeping, too.

Was mir aufgefallen ist, dass du Geisha mal groß und mal klein schreibst. Ich denke, es muss klein geschrieben werden (außer im Titel).

Es wird sich sicherlich noch jemand den Rest angucken ;-)

Lieeb Grüße,

Sarah :-)

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:16 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Magellan

Danke schon mal ;-D
Echt nett.
Bone cancer ist übrigens Knochenkrebs

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Korrekturmitteilung
Status: (Korrektur) kleiner Fehler Status 
Datum: 23:46 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84

> > her live changesd and her father decides to sell his two
> > daughters because he thinks he’s too old to raise rear the
> > girls.

Es darf nicht changed heissen es muss changes heissen. Das ist eine Inhaltsnagabe und Inhaltsangaben werden imer im präsens geschrieben

[cap] Gruß

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Korrekturmitteilung
Status: (Korrektur) oberflächlich richtig Status 
Datum: 00:42 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: espritgirl


> Es darf nicht changed heissen es muss changes heissen. Das
> ist eine Inhaltsnagabe und Inhaltsangaben werden imer im
> präsens geschrieben

Das stimmt natürlich! Ich wollte den Satz im present perfect simple schreiben, habe leider das "has" vergessen. Und das ist vollkommen okay.


Sarah :-)

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:28 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84

Hallo Magellan!

The novel "Memories of a Geisha" is about a nine years old girl, called Sakamato Chiyo who is becoming a japanese geisha. The novel ist written in the first person of view . In Japan it is 1929 and the little Chiyo has an easy life in the small fishing village with her older sister and her parents. It all ends when chiyo´s mother becomes sick. She gets bone cancer . Consequently the family lives changes and her father decides to sell his two daughters because he thinks he´s to old to raise up the girls.
Thus it comes that the sisters are brought to Kyoto where their ways seperate. Chiyo´s sister Satsu is sold to a brothel where she has to work as a prostitute while the beautiful Chiyo is sold to Okiya. Okiyo is a house where only women live and where Geishaa earn their income. A geisha is a japenese maintenance artist, who presents traditional japenese arts. In her new life situation Chiyo has to work as a maid . Everything she needs, clothes, medicine and food has to be paid back. But to be able to afford the money which is necessary to get all the things like food and so on she needs to become a geisha. So she has to start the hard training of a geisha. Of course she can´t neglectthe housekeeping . The only geishy in Okiya is called Hatsumomu and she hates Chiyo because of her beauty and her unusual blue-grey eyes. The arrogant Hatsumomo recognises Chiyo´s potentinal and is upset at any hint of competition????????Hier weis ich nicht was du damit sagen willst.
After a while she starts the training of a geisha which means learning a dance, music instruments, tea ceremony and how to maintain men. While she is learning all the things to become a geisha she finds out that her sister is working in a brothel. She decides to visit her. Satsu tells her that she isn´t able to continue this work and wants to run away. Chiyo is also sick of her life in Okiya and both decideto run away together. When Chiyo tries to escape from the Okiya she is caught by some people living in Okiya. That´s the reason why Satsu has to leave alone . After Chiyo tries to run away the "Lady of the hause" , called "Mother" thinks that it is not worth to invest in her geisha training . So the "Mother" chacel her geisha education . So Chiyo has to stay a maid all her life and Hatsumomo  continues to insult her and make her life hard. One day Chiyo meets a man on the street while she´s crying . This man is called "Chairman" and is the only person who respects her as a human being for a long time. He even gives her some money to buy some ice cream. After this meeting she decides that she really wants to become a geisha and to be the wife of this man when she becomes older. At first there is no more chance for Chiyo to become a geisha.
Fortunalety two years later she meets "Mameha" one of the most popular geishas in Gion and the rchenemy of H..
She is despises by H. because she outshines her in every aspect and haven´t deserve her independance of a geisha. Mameha takes a fancy????? on Chiyo and her beautifil eyes. She convinces "Mother" to allow Chiyo her geisha lessons. Mameha treats Chiyo as her own sister. She shows her the life of a geisha, announces her to many costumers and protects and trains Chiyo to rival H..
With Mameha´s help Chiyo gets very popular and gets her "mizuage". This is a financial arrangement with that the maiko.....das kann ich nicht korriegiern da ich den sinn nicht verstehe den du meinst du kannst das auf deutsch aufschreiben dann kann ich dir besser helfen :-). So Chiyo changes from a maiko to a geisha and from now on she´scalled "Sayuri"
"Mother" is so impressed by Sayuri´s success adopt her and Sayuri becomes later the leader of the Okiya . Sayuri´s "danna", a man who pays for everything she needs is also very rich and provites prosperity to the Okiya. But he has the right to sleep with Sayuri for paying her life standard . Sayuri and M. even destroy H. reputation entirely thereafter and H. is thrown out of the Okiya .
Sayuri´s life seems to take a winderful turn but she isn´t still happy. Since she has met the chairman when she was a little girl she has falen in love with him and couldn´t forget him. Even though she meets him she can´t be together with him beacuase it is not allowed to a geisha [/red] to choose her man by her own . They have to be with the man who have engaged the geisha. But the chairman doesn´t , only the best friens is interested in Sayuri. This man is called "Nobu". Nobu doesn´t success in getting Sayuri´s mizuage and he also doesn´t become her danna. But they have a very close friendship .

Das ist der erste Teil den 2. mache ich gleich nach einer Pause :-)

[cap] Gruß

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:42 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


Dort wo ich chancel geschrieben habe muss es natürlich cancel heissen. und da wo ich adopt geschrieben habe muss es adopts heissen :-)

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 00:48 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: Magellan

Hey danke das ihr euch beide soviel mühe macht.
Ist echt nett. Und ihr helft mir wirklich

Und fettes Lob an Tyskie84 du hast das echt gut gemacht :-D

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:29 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: Magellan

Also hier mal die Dinge die ich eigentlich damit ausdrücken wollte ^^

Mameha takes a fancy????? on Chiyo - Mameha findet Gefallen an Chiyo

This means a financial arrangement with that the maiko would find many interested and wealthy buyers to bid on her virginity so the maiko could fully become a geisha.

-ein finanzielles arrangement bei dem mehrere wohlhabende Interessenten versuchen die Entjungferung der Maiko zu ersteigern und diese dann zu einer geisha wird, also so ungefähr ^^
- das mit dem lavish hab ich von hier geklaut :

However, it is not until she puts herself in an undesirable position that Sayuri's desire to be with the Chairman truly frees her to pursue her own destiny. When the Chairman frees her from the okiya to become his mistress, she sets up a lavish teahouse for Japanese businessmen in New York so that he may save face in Japan when his daughter is about to marry a man set to be the Chairman's heir.


Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:11 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84

> Also hier mal die Dinge die ich eigentlich damit ausdrücken
> wollte ^^
> Mameha takes a fancy????? on Chiyo - Mameha findet Gefallen
> an Chiyo

Das Wort fancy ist mir nicht bekannt auch konnte ich es nicht im dictionnary finden. Ich würde "Mameha takes a liking on Chiyo

> This means a financial arrangement with that the maiko
> would find many interested and wealthy buyers to bid on her
> virginity so the maiko could fully become a geisha.
> -ein finanzielles arrangement bei dem mehrere wohlhabende
> Interessenten versuchen die Entjungferung der Maiko zu
> ersteigern

Das würde ich so schreiben. aber es kommt immmer auf den zusammenhang an. :-)

a financial arrangement in which several wealthy prospective try defloration of the maiko to auction

[cap] Gruß

Englisch Inhaltsangabe: Der 2. Teil
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:41 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


Hier der 2. versprochene Teil :-)

Of course Sayuri could not give more attention to the chairman in view of her??? interst, which Nobu shows to her. In such a way her dream of living together couldn´t be fulfilled.
But then in 1944 is very strongly involved in the World War II and the Nightclub Gion has to be closed . Sayuri looses her danna and has to work at "Kimono Productions" . After the war draws to be closed Nobu tries to become Sayuri´s danna. This shocks Sayuri so much because she does not want to hurt him, but that will inevitably happens, if she has slept with him. To hold back Nobu of becoming her danna she makes a plan...dieser satz macht keinen sinn. Schreib ihn mal ihn deutsch auf. But instead of Nobu she gets caught by the chairman. At first it seems look like a disaster but then Nobu is so angry at Sayuri that he cancel the contact . This smooth?? smooth heisst galtt the way of a common life together withe the Chairman as he also desires Sayuri since he meets her for the first time. As the chairman frees her from the Okiyo to become his mistress, she sets up a lavish (was heisst das? :-) ) teahouse for japanese buisnessmen in New York and lives together with him like she always wants .

Abschliessend wollte ich sagen dass Inhaltsangaben immer im Präsens geschrieben werden. Es gibt Bücher die sogenannte "Back flahes" haben, dort kann man dann in der Inhaltsangabe in der Vergangenheit schreiben. Aber nur wenn es um dieses sogenannte "back flash" geht. Ich weiss das es unheimlich schwer fällt die ganze zeit im präsens zu schreiben da manche intuitiv das gefühl haben dort muss vergangenheit hin. Wehr dich dagegen ;-). Es muss im Präsens geschrieben werden. Man muss sich daran gewöhnen. Als zweites wollte ich sagen dass ich mir nicht zu 100% sicher bin ob ich alles richtig korriegiert habe da ich das buch nicht gelesen haben und mir der Bezug in machen sätzen gefehlt hat. Naja ich hoffe es war einigermaßen in Ordnung :-)


[cap] Gruß

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