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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch Text koorigieren
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Englisch Text koorigieren: bitte auf Fehler kontrollieren
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:57 Do 23.10.2008
Autor: pkarrer

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Hallo zusammen, könnt ihr bitte folgenden Text auf Fehler koorigieren, wäre euch sehr dankbar.

While the young woman working as the companion to a rich and old woman Mrs. Danvers, she becomes involved with a rich Englishman, Maxim de Winter. After a week of courtship, she agrees to marry him, and after the marriage, accompanies him to his house, the beautiful Manderley.
Only upon their arrival at Manderley does the new bride realize how difficult it will be to lay to rest the memory of her husband's first wife, Rebecca. Rebecca drowned off the coast next to Manderley, a year before
Mrs. Danvers, who was profoundly devoted to Rebecca, tries to undermine the narrator.
She is convinced that Maxim regrets his impetuous decision to marry her and is still deeply in love with the seemingly perfect Rebecca.
But then the narrator comes to know the truth about Rebecca...

Vielen Dank im voraus


Englisch Text koorigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:44 Fr 24.10.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
auf den ersten Blick sehe ich keine gravierenden Fehler.

Nur Kleinigkeiten:

> While the young woman is working as the companion to a rich
> and old woman,(Komma) Mrs. Danvers, she becomes involved with a
> rich Englishman, Maxim de Winter. After a week of
> courtship, she agrees to marry him, hier würde ich einen Punkt machen, Satz zu Ende und Neuanfang mit "after", das "and" fiele weg und hinter "marriage" käme "she") and after the marriage,
> accompanies him to his house, the beautiful Manderley.
>  Only upon their arrival at Manderley does the new bride
> realize (vielleicht: "the new bride realizes...") how difficult it will be to lay to rest the memory
> of her husband's first wife, Rebecca. Rebecca drowned off
> the coast next to Manderley, a year before
>  Mrs. Danvers, who was profoundly devoted to Rebecca, tries
> to undermine the narrator. (den Erzähler "untergraben" verstehe ich hier nicht ganz, mir ist die Geschichte nur noch schemenhaft in Erinnerung, kannst Du das näher erläutern?)
> She is convinced that Maxim regrets his impetuous decision
> to marry her and is still deeply in love with the seemingly
> perfect Rebecca.
>  But then the narrator comes to know the truth about
> Rebecca...
> Vielen Dank im voraus
> Gruess
>  Pascal

Das wars fürs erste ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.

Schönen Gruß

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