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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch wie schwierig
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Englisch wie schwierig: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:16 Di 21.04.2009
Autor: Dinker

Mein Englisch....

With this action he risks to banishment and the loss of everything he has achieved.

It’s interesting to note, that he would prefers to banishing on an island with a rough climate, because he thinks the uncomfortable weather would be better for his writing.

In any case he has my sympathy. Although his high reputation he gives up all what he has achieved to further develop his individuality.

She is rejected from the BNW people, because she presents the decay and mortality.

She is happy when she has the opportunity to return to the BNW, where she can fall back into the world of Soma and dreams.

She has being hated, despised and assaulted by the Indian woman, because she has affairs with their husbands.

He introduces the reader to the principles of the production and conditioning of human beings.

The world State’s motto, Community, Identity, Stability are mentioned throughout the novel.

The world State’s motto, Community, Identity, Stability are mentioned throughout the novel. This three terms stand for the ultimate goal of the World State.

The government is strived that the people are never alone, because this give them a possibility to thinking. To ensureing it they conduct Solidarity Service to strengthen the feeling of unity.

The people discuss about private matters in public.

The life from the people of the same caste is identical. They same production, entertainment, work, education.  Braucht es da ein verb?

Stability is the highest value in the World State. Everything is justified (ausgerichtet) to this goal

gruss Dinker

Englisch wie schwierig: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:49 Di 21.04.2009
Autor: rainerS


Es wäre bedeutend einfacher für uns, wenn du etwas zum Kontext schreiben würdest. So muss jeder raten, was gemeint ist.

Du hast etwas Probleme mit den Präpositionen bei Verben; ich rate dir, die im Wörterbuch nachzuschauen.

Im einzelnen:

> With this action he risks to banishment and the loss of
> everything he has achieved.
> It’s interesting to note, that he would prefers to be
> banisheding on to an island with a rough climate, because he
> thinks the uncomfortable weather would be better for his
> writing.
> In any case he has my sympathy. AlthoughIn spite of his high
> reputation he gives up all what he has achieved to further
> develop his individuality.
> She is rejected fromby(?) the BNW people, because she represents
> the decay and mortality.
> She is happy when she has the opportunity to return to the
> BNW, where she can fall back into the world of Soma and
> dreams.
> She hasis being hated, despised and assaulted by the Indian
> woman, because she has affairs with their husbands.
> He introduces the reader to the principles of the
> production and conditioning of human beings.
> The world State’s motto, Community, Identity, Stability areis
> mentioned throughout the novel.

Entweder "motto ... is" oder " mottos ... are".

> The world State’s motto, Community, Identity, Stability are
> mentioned throughout the novel. ThisThese three terms stand for
> the ultimate goal of the World State.
> The government is strivedstrives to ensure that the people are never alone,
> because this would give them a possibilityan opportunity to thinking. To
> ensureing it they conduct Solidarity Service to strengthen
> the feeling of unity.
> The people discuss about private matters in public.
> The life from theof people offrom the same caste is identical.
> They same production, entertainment, work, education.  
> Braucht es da ein verb?

Ja: They share production...

> Stability is the highest value in the World State.
> Everything is justified (ausgerichtet) to this goal

Everything is aimed at this goal.

"to justify" heisst rechtfertigen.

Viele Grüße

Englisch wie schwierig: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:41 Di 21.04.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
nur eine kleine Ergänzung zu der bereits vorliegenden Korrektur:

> She is being hated, despised and assaulted by the Indian
> woman, because she has affairs with their husbands.

Hier kommt es darauf an, was gesagt werden soll:

Ist es "one indian woman" und nur eine Affäre mit einem Ehemann:
[...]because she has an affair with her husband.

Hat die so gehasste Dame Affären mit mehreren Ehemännern:
[...]by the Indian women, because she has affairs with their husbands.

Das wars schon.

Schönen Tag noch

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