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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Fragen und Antworten
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Fragen und Antworten: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:50 Mi 14.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Below there is a table in which you can find information about sheila's career.
Please answer the quenstions with the help of the table.

1978 started work at Inter-rent in Glasgow
1978-79 worked there, lived there
1979-82 worked in Dundee at Inter-rent, lived there
1982-89 worked in Edinburgh, lived there
1989 moved to Chesterfield, works at the job centre

a) When did she start work at Iner-rent in Glasgow?
- She started work at Inter-rent in Glasgow in 1978.

b) What did she do after she had worked in Glasgow?
- She worked there and lived there.

c) How long had she worked in Glasgow before she went to Dundee?
-She worked in Glasgow for  one year before she went to Dundee.

d) How long had she lived in Dundee when she moved to Edinburgh?
-  She lived in Dundee for three years when she moved to Edinburgh.

e) How long did she work in Edinburgh?
She worked in Edinburgh for one year.

f) How long has she worked at the job centre in Chesterfield?
- She work there till now.

richitg so?


Fragen und Antworten: Antowort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:59 Mi 14.09.2005
Autor: Britta82

Hi Suzan

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> Below there is a table in which you can find information
> about sheila's career.
>  Please answer the quenstions with the help of the table.
> 1978 started work at Inter-rent in Glasgow
>  1978-79 worked there, lived there
>  1979-82 worked in Dundee at Inter-rent, lived there
>  1982-89 worked in Edinburgh, lived there
>  1989 moved to Chesterfield, works at the job centre
> a) When did she start work at Iner-rent in Glasgow?
>  - She started work at Inter-rent in Glasgow in 1978.
> b) What did she do after she had worked in Glasgow?
>  - She worked there and lived there.

Das ist falsch, denn die Frage ist was war nach Glasgow?
das ist zwar der zweite Punkt den du aufgeschriebe hast, aber das war ja noch in Glasgow, die Antwort muß also lauten:
She worked and lived in Dundee.

> c) How long had she worked in Glasgow before she went to
> Dundee?
>  -She worked in Glasgow for  one year before she went to
> Dundee.
> d) How long had she lived in Dundee when she moved to
> Edinburgh?
>  -  She lived in Dundee for three years when she moved to
> Edinburgh.
> e) How long did she work in Edinburgh?
>  She worked in Edinburgh for one year.
> f) How long has she worked at the job centre in
> Chesterfield?
>  - She work there till now.

She is still working there. klingt besser




Fragen und Antworten: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 10:24 Mi 14.09.2005
Autor: suzan

danke ;-)

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