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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Freedom
Freedom < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Freedom: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 10:51 Fr 01.05.2009
Autor: Dinker

In a democratic constitution are positioned the most important elements like equality, free election, freedom of expression. But do you really think we are so free like the constitution sounds? I have my doubts.
Ich habe etwas zur individuellen Freiheit geschrieben. Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur. Gerne nehme ich auch weitere Ideen entgegen

For me calls individual freedom that we are completely independent. Of course this definition isn’t compatible with the reality. For example we have our duties (Welche Präposition?) employer or he state. Especially the state restricts our own individual freedom. The laws dictate what we are allowed to do and with which actions we break the law.
Or before I start this school here, I get two pages where all the school rules was listed. Also here I had to adapt my behaviour according the rules (Steht das überhaupt im Plural?).
Therefore in my opinion it’s a Utopia to think we are free.

Vielen herzlichen Dank
Gruss Dinker

Freedom: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 10:43 So 03.05.2009
Autor: Josef

Hallo Dinker,

> In a democratic constitution are positioned the most
> important elements like equality, free election, freedom of
> expression. But do you really think we are so free like the
> constitution sounds? I have my doubts.
> Hallo
>  Ich habe etwas zur individuellen Freiheit geschrieben.
> Wäre sehr dankbar um Korrektur. Gerne nehme ich auch
> weitere Ideen entgegen
> For me calls individual freedom means that we are completely
> independent. Of course this definition isn’t compatible
> with the reality. For example we have our duties (Welche
> Präposition?) towards the employer or the state. Especially the state
> restricts our own individual freedom. The laws dictate what
> we are allowed to do and with which actions we break the
> law.
> Or before I started this school here, I get got two pages where
> all the school rules was were  listed. Also here I had to adapt
> my behaviour according the rules (Steht das überhaupt im
> Plural?).
> Therefore in my opinion it’s a Utopia to think we are
> free.



the right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you
the state of being able to do what you want, without anything stopping you
the state of not being a prisoner or slave
the state of not being affected by the thing mentioned
permission to use sth without restriction

Viele Grüße

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