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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:25 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Today we have a lot of option to prevent deep thinking, useless TV shows, video games, fun parks etc. As a result we think less about our own life and how the things (are going on/function). Our political interest decrease, so that the most of us wouldn’t realize, when a political change would come.

In the 50s was the USA society and culture in many aspects the west experimental laboratory. The development to the individual isolation. in the consumer society. In this time also the drug consume increaseto escape from this gloomy life.

gruss DInker

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:55 Do 18.06.2009
Autor: Arcesius


Ich markiere meine vorschläge rot

Today we have a lot of option possibilities to prevent avoid deep thinking, (such as)
useless (absurd) TV shows, video games, fun parks etc. As a result consequence
we think less about our own life and how the things (are
going on/function)
the things that happen around us. Our political interest decrease (decrease ist nur für Technick, z.B Geschwindigkeitsabnahme) diminishes, so
that the most of us wouldn’t realize, when a political
change would come
even notice a political change.

In the 50s was the USA society and culture of the USA was in many aspects
the western experimental laboratory (bin nicht sicher ob ich deinen Satz verstehe...). The development to the
individual isolation (ist das ein eigener Satz??). In the consumer society (Das auch?). In this time (nowadays)
also the drug consume increases to escape from this gloomy

> Danke
>  gruss DInker

An deinem zweiten Abschnitt musst du noch arbeiten.. Besser gliedern, dir im Klaren darüber sein, was du eigentlich sagen möchtest, usw..
Hoffe dies hilft dir weiter...

Grüsse, Amaro

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