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Status Englisch
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  Status Korrekturlesen
  Status Übersetzung
  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur
Korrektur < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:03 Mo 03.08.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Morgen

Wäre dankbar um Korrektur

The right of the jungle Das Rechtd es Stärkeren?

The author wants to warn us how certain current society trends could end.

The novel will have a permanent impression on me.  

Later it exposes / turns out that the beast doesn’t come from the water or the mountain but it exists in everyone of us.

His self-confident increase when he becomes to John’s guardian.

By asking him sensible question, showing him the beauty nature and points out another way of life she is the trigger for Montag’s mentally transformation process.

And eventually Granger shows him the life he is longing for.

All topics with that the author deals with are associated with individual freedom, human rights and fundamental human values.

Reading literature works, exchange meaningful ideas are replaced by superficial entertainments.

He explains that every firemen overcome by curiosity about books on time in his career.

Ralph doesn’t find a solution to decrease the boys fear of the beast.

gruss Dinker

Korrektur: verschoben
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:09 Mo 03.08.2009
Autor: Loddar

Hallo Dinker!

Da ich nicht weiß, was diese Frage mit "Biologie" zu tun hat, habe ich die Frage entsprechend veschoben.


Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:56 Do 27.08.2009
Autor: Jerry300

The law of the jungle.

The author wants to warn us of certain current society trends and also show us how they could end.

The novel was impressed on my mind (vllt besser so... so nach dem motto ich werde es nie vergessen)

as it turned   out the beast doesn’t come from the water or the mountain but it exists in everyone of us.

His self-confident increases, when he becomes to John’s guardian.

By asking him sensible questions, showing him the beauty nature and pointing out another way of life, she somehaow triggers Montag’s mentally transformation process.

And eventually Granger shows him the life he is longing for.

All topics with that the author deals with, are associated with individual freedom, human rights and fundamental human values.

Reading literature works, exchange meaningful ideas are replaced by superficial entertainments.
hier weiß ich jetzt nicht so genau was du damit ausdrücken willst.

He explains that every firemen overcomes, by curiosity about books, the problems on time in his career.
hier musst du noch genauer ausdrücken was er bewältigt.

Ralph was not able to allay the boy's fear of the beast.

gruß jerry

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