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Korrektur Text: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:04 So 31.05.2009
Autor: AbraxasRishi


Könnte mir bitte jemand diesen Text korrigieren? Vielen Dank schonmal!!


The term "stress" was first used by the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s and he distinguished the useful Eustress and pathologic Disstress. Today we know that stress is the reaction of the body to a stressor to defend it from a dangerous situation and to restore the homeostasis of the organism. Everything begins with the perception of a stressor, which is dependent from the individual assessment. When there are any strategies of solution for this problem it comes to an arousal of the cortex and the limbic system that associate the stressor with other emotional experiences. The limbic system activates the neuroendocrine System that causes the secretion of Adrenalin, Cortisol and Noradrenalin in the kidney.
Stress reactions that last long can change the brain plastic, they can dissolve neuronal relays and with them the though and behavior patterns who aren’t adjusted at the problems of the environment. But repeated, controllable psychosocial stressors can cause stabilization and a better efficiency of the neuronal networks, who are involved in the reaction against the stressor. Stress can cause a lot of illnesses, at example depression, sleep disorder, cardiac disease and gastric ulcer. The stress reaction is also an important evolution factor because enables learning and adjusting behavior at the environment. Neutral stimuli, which are linked to a stressor, are saved by the Amygdala and the Hippocampus.

Korrektur Text: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:20 Di 02.06.2009
Autor: matux

Korrektur Text: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:16 Di 02.06.2009
Autor: Amano


The term "stress" was first used by the endocrinologist Hans Selye in the 1930s and he distinguished the useful Eustress and pathologic Disstress.
...when he distinguished between the useful 'eustress' and the pathologic condition od 'disstress'.

Today we know that stress is the reaction of the body to a stressor to defend it from a dangerous situation and to restore the homeostasis of the organism.
...stressor, in defence of a dangerous...

Everything begins with the perception of a stressor, which is dependent from the individual assessment.
..depending on the...

When there are any strategies of solution for this problem it comes to an arousal of the cortex and the limbic system that associate the stressor with other emotional experiences.
The strategic solution for the current problem is an arousal of the cortex ...

The limbic system activates the neuroendocrine System that causes the secretion of Adrenalin, Cortisol and Noradrenalin in the kidney.
...neuroendocrine system which causes...

Stress reactions that last long can change the brain plastic, they can dissolve neuronal relays and with them the though and behavior patterns who aren’t adjusted at the problems of the environment.
Long lasting stress reactions...
...patterns, which are not adjusted to problems of the environment.

But repeated, controllable psychosocial stressors can cause stabilization and a better efficiency of the neuronal networks, who are involved in the reaction against the stressor.
...networks, which are....

Stress can cause a lot of illnesses, at example depression, sleep disorder, cardiac disease and gastric ulcer.
..., for example...

The stress reaction is also an important evolution factor because enables learning and adjusting behavior at the environment.
...factor, since it enables us to learn and encourages us to adjust to the environment.

Neutral stimuli, which are linked to a stressor, are saved by the Amygdala and the Hippocampus.

Du musst aufpassen, dass du nicht einfach lateinische Begriffe aus dem Lexikon aneinanderreihst und ab und zu mal was Englisches dazwischenklebst. Versuch mal, ein paar englische Redewendungen zu lernen und benutze diese, um deine wissenschaftlichen Inhalte zu vermitteln. Am besten stellst du dir eine Liste mit Woertern zusammen, mit denen du Saetze einleiten kannst, mit denen du Nebensaetze miteinander verbinden kannst, mit denen du Kausalzusammenhaenge, Gegensaetze ... vermittelst.


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