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Forum "Lektüre" - MacBeth
MacBeth < Lektüre < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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MacBeth: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:06 Fr 18.06.2004
Autor: Eirene

also die Frage lautet: Is MacBeth a typical Shakespearean tragedy?

Ich hab so angefangen:

MacBeth is a tragedy because it represents important and serious actions in MacBeth´s life which are linked by cause, which the three witches represent. They led macBeth to his final overthrow and to his death. The tragic hero, Macbeth is aperson of high social position.

und weiter weiß ich nichts...
also wir habe so eine definition von tragedy bekommen:

A thoughtful and solemn prose or verse drama representing important and serious actions or events in protagonist's life which are linked by cause and effect and lead to his final overthrow, failure, ruin, and usually also his death. At different periods the elements of tragedy have been interpreted differently in accordance with cahnging social attitudes and philosophical ideas. Thus in earlier periods the tragic hero was generally a person of high social position, whereas inour day he is often a quite ordinary person. At about the time of Shakespeare tragedy began to be influenced by the so-called unities which were believed to have been laid down by Aristotle: the unities of action, time and place.- People's idea of what may be considered "tragic" have also changed over the centuries:e.g. a man's hubris and downfall, or his being confronted with am impossible choice between two alternatives, or his realization that his life has become meaningless. Though Aristotle's definition of tragedy cannot be adapted to all the changing concepts of tragedy that have developed since his day his idea that it should imitate a single action in a serious and complete manner led to the important concept of the unity of action as a source of plot. Aristotle points out that the events in a tragedy create pity and fear but also cleanse the emotions of the spectators(=catharsis): the pity and fear relieve any private pain or trouble in their minds and encourage cheerful or holy feelings despite the fact that they are watching a drama of failure and suffering. No matter how the pleasurable and emotionally cleansing effects of tragedy are explained, Aristotle' concept of catharsis remains an important means by which we can distinguish tragedy from other forms of drama.

nun ich hab keine Ahnung was ich schreiben soll...

MacBeth: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:31 Fr 18.06.2004
Autor: Josef

"Macbeth is a typical Shakespearean tragedy, which is interspersed with supernatural incidents giving birth to some unrealistic situations. In the clash between natural and unnatural, we notice it is the latter which usually triumphs because it is always given a dominant presence in Shakespearean plays. Often the supernatural forces lead to highly unnatural and unrealistic incidents, which include shifting of forests and mountains to other locations. We need to understand that it is the presence of such forces which make Shakespeare's plays unusual and more exciting than other plays of his times. It is true that most of us find these incidents figments of playwright's imagination yet we cannot deny their importance as they add to the power and force of the entire play."

MacBeth: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:36 Fr 18.06.2004
Autor: Marc

Hallo Josef,

bei Zitaten bitte unbedingt die Quelle angeben, möglichst mit Link.
Sonst können wir möglicherweise Ärger bekommen, dass wir (bzw. du) fremdes geistiges Eigentum als dein eigenes ausgibst.
Außerdem kann man so die "Qualität" des Zitats besser einschätzen.

Viele Grüße,

MacBeth: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 15:02 Fr 18.06.2004
Autor: Josef

Hallo Marc,

Hier die Fundstelle:


Entschuldige bitte. Ich muss noch viel lernen!
Danke für den Hinweis.

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