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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Martin Luther King Folie
Martin Luther King Folie < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Martin Luther King Folie: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:23 Mo 13.04.2009
Autor: fcbstefan

ich muss nächste woche ein englischreferat über martin luther king halten und habe dafür eine folie vorbereitet. könntet ihr diese einmal durchgucken und nachschaun ob ich iwas wichtiges vergessen habenl, die grammatik verbesser und noch vl iwelche sätze etwas kürzen.

danke im vorraus

Martin Luther King Junior

• * January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia

• first son of a black middle class family

• was named after his father, Martin Luther King, Senior

• excellent student (skipped 9th and 12th grade), who want to become a minister like his father was

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

• 1953: King married Coretta Scott

• four children : Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther III, Dexter and Bernice Albertine

• 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott started

• Residents elected Martin Luther King as president of a new organization called Montgomery Improvement Association -> want to gain equal rights

• 1955: his house in Montgomery was bombed by members of the Ku-Klux-Klan

• 1955: he was arrested and later convicted

• December 1956: buses in Montgomery were desegregated, after US Supreme Court declared Alabama′s segregation laws were against the US constitution

• The Civil Rights Movement: they fought to gain voting rights for blacks

• black people had to do "literacy test" before they were allowed to vote

• freedom marches, demonstrations and sit-ins

• 1963: “I have a dream” at Lincoln Memorial in front of 250,000 people

• 1958: his first book, "Stride Toward Freedom", was published

• 1959 he toured to India, to learn about the non-violent strategies of Mahatma Ghandi

• 1964: Nobel Peace Prize

• The assassination: On April 5, 1968. Martin Luther King, was shot while standing on the balcony in front of his room at an Motel in Memphis

• His Legacy: It was due of Martin Luther King work that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. This act said that no one was allowed to discriminate against anyone else because of race or religion.

• Martin Luther King Holiday: In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed the law to make Martin Luther King, birthday an official national holiday (each third Sunday of January)

Martin Luther King Folie: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:23 Mo 13.04.2009
Autor: Ripischiep

hi fcbstefan,

ich habs mir mal grammatisch & sprachlich angesehen
Martin Luther King Junior

(born on) * January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia

• first son of a black middle-class family (gibts zwar auch ohne hyphen aber selbst usatoday und harvard haben es in artikeln mit geschrieben)

• was named after his father, Martin Luther King, Senior

• excellent student (skipped 9th and 12th grade), who wanted to become a minister like his father was

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt. LÖBLICH!! :-)

• 1953: King married Coretta Scott

• four children : Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther III, Dexter and Bernice Albertine

• 1955: Montgomery Bus Boycott started

• Residents elected Martin Luther King as president (to elect so sth) of a new organization called Montgomery Improvement Association -> want to gain equal rights (zur abwechslung wüde ich hier eher schreiben:(its) aim: equality/equal rights)

• 1955: his house in Montgomery was bombed by members of the Ku-Klux-Klan

• 1955: he was arrested and later convicted

• December 1956: buses in Montgomery were desegregated(,) after US Supreme Court declared that Alabama's segregation laws were against the US constitution

• The Civil Rights Movement: they fought to gain voting rights for blacks

• black people had to do the "literacy test" before they were allowed to vote

• freedom marches, demonstrations and sit-ins

• 1963: “I have a dream” at Lincoln Memorial in front of 250,000 people

• 1958: his first book, "Stride Toward Freedom", was published

• 1959 he toured (eher travelled) to India in order to learn about the non-violent strategies of Mahatma Ghandi

• 1964: Nobel Peace Prize

• The assassination: On April 5, 1968. Martin Luther King was shot while standing on the balcony in front of his room of a motel in Memphis (zu umständlich)

• His Legacy: It was due to Martin Luther King's work that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. This act said that no one was allowed to discriminate against anyone (eher: someone) else because of race or religion. (ist schwierig zu erklären warum: ich würde sagen weil es zwar inhaltlich negativ ist, grammatisch aber positiv wenn das dir hilft ;-) )

• Martin Luther King Holiday: In 1986 President Ronald Reagan signed the law to make Martin Luther King's birthday an (official) national holiday (each the third Sunday of January) (so viele wirds ja nicht geben ;-)
ist doch eine vernünftige folie :-)

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