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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Present Perfect
Present Perfect < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Present Perfect: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:45 Mo 17.12.2012
Autor: Mr.Duke

Imagine you are a radio reporter at the scene of an accident. Write a short report (about 100 words) about what has just happened. Use the present perfect.
Start like this:
This is John Taylor, BBC news speaking. Here we are at the scene of an accident.
         The driver of a taxi which came from Trafalgar Square wanted to turn left, into Clarence Road.But the Ferrari driver which came from
         Johnson street was so fast that he couldn't brake.Then the crash
         happened. Both cars were totaled. At first the ambulance arrived and has taken both drivers to the hospital. It seems that the air bag of the taxi driver didn't work and he is seriously injured. Then the
         police arrived. The policemen have secured the scene of the
         accident and searched for some eyewitnesses. They have found out that the traffic lights were both switched on green. And that
         is the reason for the accident.

Ich weiss nicht ob ich das Present Perfect richtig angewendet habe.
Vielen Dank.

Present Perfect: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:22 Mo 17.12.2012
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
[]hier gehts zum Present Perfect und vielen anderen Themen.

Schönen Abend

Present Perfect: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 09:09 Di 18.12.2012
Autor: reverend

Hallo Mr.Duke,

nein, da ist fast alles falsch.

> Imagine you are a radio reporter at the scene of an
> accident. Write a short report (about 100 words) about what
> has just happened. Use the present perfect.
>  Start like this:
>  This is John Taylor, BBC news speaking. Here we are at the
> scene of an accident.
>           The driver of a taxi which came from Trafalgar
> Square wanted to turn left, into Clarence Road.But the
> Ferrari driver which came from
>           Johnson street was so fast that he couldn't
> brake.Then the crash
>           happened. Both cars were totaled. At first the
> ambulance arrived and has taken both drivers to the
> hospital. It seems that the air bag of the taxi driver
> didn't work and he is seriously injured. Then the
> police arrived. The policemen have secured the scene of the
> accident and searched for some eyewitnesses. They have
> found out that the traffic lights were both switched on
> green. And that
>           is the reason for the accident.


>  Ich weiss nicht ob ich das Present Perfect richtig
> angewendet habe.

Ich habe mal die einzigen drei Formen des P.P. markiert, die Du überhaupt eingebaut hast. Was ist mit den vielen restlichen Verben? Du sollst doch als Reporter so vor Ort berichten, dass man merkt: das alles ist gerade eben erst passiert!


Present Perfect: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 17:40 Di 18.12.2012
Autor: Mr.Duke

A taxi has driven from Trafalgar Square and has turned left, into Clarence Road. But a Ferrari driver who has come from Johnson street has been so fast that he couldn't brake.Then the crash has happened. Both cars has been totaled. At first the ambulance has arrived. They have taken both drivers to the hospital. The air bag of the taxi driver hasn't worked and he has  been seriously injured. Then the police has arrived. The policemen have secured the scene of the accident and they have searched for some eyewitnesses. They have found out that the traffic lights have been both switched on green. And that has been the reason for the accident.

Ich bin nicht sicher ob ich das Present Perfect, perfekt angewendet habe.

Danke für die Mühe.


Present Perfect: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 01:50 Mi 19.12.2012
Autor: Eisfisch

> A taxi has driven from Trafalgar Square and has turned
> left, into Clarence Road. But a Ferrari driver who has come
> from Johnson street has been so fast that he couldn't
> brake.Then the crash has happened. Both cars has (hier Plural: have) been
> totaled. At first the ambulance has arrived. They have
> taken both drivers to the hospital. The air bag of the taxi
> driver hasn't worked and he has  been seriously injured.
> Then the police has arrived. The policemen have secured the
> scene of the accident and they have searched for some
> eyewitnesses. They have found out that both the traffic lights have been both switched on green. And that has been the
> reason for the accident.
>  Ich bin nicht sicher ob ich das Present Perfect, perfekt
> angewendet habe.
> Danke für die Mühe.
> mfg

ja,so siehts doch gut aus.

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