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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Summary
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Summary: Bitte Korrekturlesen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 01:27 Mo 12.11.2007
Autor: Luethien

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.


wir müssen eine möglichst kurze summary über einen zeitungsartikel schreiben.

könnte jemand meine summary korrektur lesen und mir eventuell tipps für verbesserungen geben?

wäre sehr hilfreich und nett von euch.


Adland is still lad land

The article was published on “The Observer”.

The author begins his article with a short statement from Debbi Klein who is(kann man da auch sagen being statt who is??) the had of planning at ad agency WCRS. In conclusion she says that not every good idea is from a man and from this it followed that she made a report with an interesting and surprising result.

Generally the number of women working in the advertising industry has risen over the last 10 years, especially the female account handlers.
However there is one sector which does not fit in this upward trend. The question is the creative world of adland.
Because of this strange trend, Klein asked some women for her report who described (kann man hier auch sagen describing statt who descriped??) the atmosphere there so to speak very male. Consequently a woman there has to be such as a man to cope with her mal colleagues.

Summary: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:50 Mo 12.11.2007
Autor: Luethien

hoffe ihr habt mich nicht vergessen :-(

Summary: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:09 Mo 12.11.2007
Autor: Tenisha

Adland is still lad land

The article was published on “The Observer”. (Is the Observer the name of the artikel?? Then I would say in the "The Observer"

The author begins his article with a short statement from Debbi Klein who is(kann man da auch sagen being statt who is??)(No, Who is the better way to say it) the (had))( not sure what you want to say there )of planning at ad agency WCRS. In conclusion she says that not every good idea is from a man and from this it followed that she made a report with an interesting and surprising result.

Generally the number of women working in the advertising industry has risen over the last 10 years, especially the female account handlers.
However there is one sector which does not fit in this upward trend. The question is the creative world of adland.
Because of this strange trend, Klein asked some women for their report who described (kann man hier auch sagen describing statt who descriped??) (NO, described is the better thing to say)the atmosphere there so to speak as being very male. Consequently a woman there has to be like a man to cope with her male colleagues.

I hope this helps.


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