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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Text geschrieben..
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Text geschrieben..: Satzstellung /grammatik
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:41 So 06.07.2008
Autor: Asialiciousz


Der folgende Text handelt sich um Sport in Australien,
den ich selber geschrieben habe.

Leider bin ich ziemlich schlecht in Englisch, und merke auch, das der text sich irgendwie komisch lesen lässt.

Könnt ihr bitte schauen ob ich da Grammatik fehler habe?
Und halt einfach korrigieren.

Sport is promoted an important part of the Australian culture, by a climate, which favours outdoor activities. 23.5% over fifteen-year Australians are regularly in the organized sport active.
To the most popular crew kinds of sport of Australia count two variants Rugby: Rugby League as well as Rugby union. Besides Australian football, in Australia particularly under the name Aussie Footy or Australian Rules football, is the national sport. Australian Rules is importantly only a kind of sport spread in Australia, which is played on an oval field. International experiences can collect the players only in the once a year taking place internationally Rules tournament.
A mixture from Australian Rules and Gaelic football is played. During the evaluation, whether Rugby or football is the most popular sport, its to be constituted regional differences. Thus the area is valid around Melbourne, Victoria as center of the Aussie Rules, while around Sydney rather Rugby is round the number unity sport. In addition national and internationally successful the teams are in Cricket and Netball, in the wheel and swimming sport outstanding achievements are furnished. Since 1905 one of the four tennis Grand Slam tournaments take place in Australia: the Australian open in Melbourne.
The formula 1 gastiert regularly in Australia. The large price of Australia takes place in Melbourne since 1996, before 1985 into Adelaide was annually driven. Also motorcycle racing enjoys of large popularity. Thus the country already brought world champions out, like Casey Stoner, Wayne Gardner, Mick Doohan, Troy Bayliss or Troy Corser. To the WM-runs of the motorcycle WM and the Superbikes annually many spectators flow to the distance of Phillip Iceland.
In the winter snow areas of the Australian alps and on Tasmanien winter sports is possible, in many cities also ice hockey stages was built. Australia participated in all modern Olympic Games and all Commonwealth Games, was 1956 and 2000 hosts of the olympic summer games so far four times and hosts of the Commonwealth Games (1938, 1962, 1982 and 2006). Also television transmissions of sport events are much like, the olympic summer games as well as final plays of local and international football tournaments achieve highest ratings. In the last years the football in Australia at enthusiasm wins, not only by the achievements of the national team. Well-known Australian sportsmen are the Sprinterin Cathy Freeman and the float Ian Thorpe

Text geschrieben..: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 22:22 So 06.07.2008
Autor: matux

Text geschrieben..: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:28 Mo 07.07.2008
Autor: espritgirl

Hallo Asialicious [winken],

Ich habe mir deinen Text durchgelesen und ich hatte wirklich große Schwierigkeiten etwas zu verstehen.

Du solltest deinen Text selber noch einmal auf folgende Dinge hin überarbeiten:

(1) Satzstellung
(2) "-s" an Verben von He, She, It
(3) Vokabelangaben aus dem Wörterbuch, schlage diese entweder in einem Englisch-Englisch nochmal nach, oder schreibe deine deutsche Vokabel zusätzlich in den Text.

Liebe Grüße,

Sarah :-)

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