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Forum "Grammatik" - Wortstellung
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Wortstellung: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 07:38 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

Setzen Sie die Teile zu einem sinnvollen Satz zusammen.

a) him/I/recently/saw.
- I saw him recently.

b) I/yesterday/caught/very soon/a fish-and pulled/on the river bank/it out.
- Yesterday I caught a fish-and pulled very soon on the river bank it out.

c) your teacher/English/does/speak/very well?
- Does speak your teacher English very well?

d) Magaret/her tickets/just/has bought.
- Magaret has bought just her tickets.

e) in the Port of London/for many years/Mr Jones/ a dockworker/has been.
- Mr Jones has been a dockworker in the Port of London for many years.

f) one computer/ the work/one day/can do/of a thousand clerks.
- One computer can do the work of a thousand clerks one day.

g) slowly/an old man/the square/crossed.
- An old man crossed slowly the square.

h) had been waiting for/for half an hour/we/last week/our coach.
- Last week we had been waiting for our coach for half an hour.

i) good at/always/was/she/Biology.
- Biology she was always good at.

j) often/they/on Sundays/get up/early.
- They get up on Sundays often early.

k) the bus/had left/I/scarcely-when/started/it/cats and dogs/raining.
- I had left the bus scarcely when it started raining cats and dogs.

l) the attraction/here/of/the evening/is!
- Here is the attraction of the evening.

ok so?

lg suzan

Wortstellung: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 11:10 Mi 09.11.2005
Autor: milky-way

> Hallöchen zusammen,

> Setzen Sie die Teile zu einem sinnvollen Satz zusammen.
> a) him/I/recently/saw.
>  - I saw him recently.


> b) I/yesterday/caught/very soon/a fish-and pulled/on the
> river bank/it out.
>  - Yesterday I caught a fish-and pulled very soon on the
> river bank it out.

Yesterday I caught a fish-and pulled it out on the river bank very soon.  

> c) your teacher/English/does/speak/very well?
>  - Does speak your teacher English very well?
>  Does your teacher speak English very well?
> d) Magaret/her tickets/just/has bought.
>  - Magaret has bought just her tickets.
>  Margaret just has bought her tickets.
> e) in the Port of London/for many years/Mr Jones/ a
> dockworker/has been.
>  - Mr Jones has been a dockworker in the Port of London for
> many years.
> f) one computer/ the work/one day/can do/of a thousand
> clerks.
>  - One computer can do the work of a thousand clerks one
> day.
> g) slowly/an old man/the square/crossed.
>  - An old man crossed slowly the square.
>  An old man slowly crossed the square.
> h) had been waiting for/for half an hour/we/last week/our
> coach.
>  - Last week we had been waiting for our coach for half an
> hour.
> i) good at/always/was/she/Biology.
>  - Biology she was always good at.
>  She was always good at biology.
> j) often/they/on Sundays/get up/early.
>  - They get up on Sundays often early.
>  Often they get up early on sundays.
> k) the bus/had left/I/scarcely-when/started/it/cats and
> dogs/raining.
>  - I had left the bus scarcely when it started raining cats
> and dogs.
>  Grammatikalisch richtig... aber ob vom Inhalt her sinnvoll? ;-)
> l) the attraction/here/of/the evening/is!
>  - Here is the attraction of the evening.
> ok so?
> lg suzan

So, das wars.
Liebe Gruesse,

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