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Forum "Grammatik" - Zeitformen im Text
Zeitformen im Text < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Zeitformen im Text: Tip
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:29 Di 27.01.2015
Autor: dlater

Complete the Text by using the correct form of the Words in the brackets.

Last Saturdays's concert BEGAN at 8:30 PRECICELY.

When Dylan and his band CAME on stage the audience CHEER ENTHUSIASTICLY . The first song COULD HaRDLY HEAR above all the SCREAMS and SHOUTS . After the crowd CALMED down, the band FOUND their rhythm and played SUPERBLY . Dylan KEPT CHANGE the interpretation of his songs so that he WAS ABLE DRAW different shades of meaning from them.Most of the audience at the Odeon KNEW the songs very WELL and could sing the words THEMSELF . At the end of the concert Dylan THANKED everyone and WALKED off the stage BLOWING kisses to his fans.

Hallo Zusammen,

könnt Ihr bitte mal gegenprüfen ob die großgeschriebenen Wörter in der richtigen Form gewählt wurden?

lg David

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Zeitformen im Text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:36 Di 27.01.2015
Autor: Josef

Hallo dlater,


> Complete the Text by using the correct form of the Words in
> the brackets.
> Last Saturdays's Saturdays' concert BEGAN at 8:30 PRECICELY. precisely
> When Dylan and his band CAME on stage the audience CHEER cheered
> ENTHUSIASTICLY enthusiastically . The first song COULD HaRDLY HEAR been heard above all
> the SCREAMS and SHOUTS screaming and shouting. After the crowd had CALMED down, the
> band FOUND their rhythm and played SUPERBLY . Dylan KEPT
> CHANGE changing the interpretation of his songs so that he WAS ABLE to
> DRAW different shades of meaning from them.Most of the
> audience at the Odeon KNEW the songs very WELL and could
> sing the words THEMSELF for themselves . At the end of the concert Dylan
> THANKED everyone and WALKED off the stage BLOWING kisses to
> his fans.


Viele Grüße

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