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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - brauche Korrekturhilfe :(
brauche Korrekturhilfe :( < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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brauche Korrekturhilfe :(: Frage
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:23 Mi 09.03.2005
Autor: cynthia

Mein Problem: mit meinem Schulenglisch ist es schon eine gute Weile her und nun muss ich einen Motivationsbrief auf englisch schreiben... Habe gesehen, dass Ihr Dannie weiter unten auch sehr geholfen habt und wäre Euch für Korrekturvorschläge sehr verbunden...  Die Formulierungen dürften ziemlich holprig sein und grammatische Fehler würden mich auch nicht verwundern :( Könnt Ihr mir helfen?

Dear Sirs,

I have read your vacancy for the huntig/fishing lodge in the northern part of Iceland with great interest.

Since September 2002 I have been studying German literature and lingusitics and German as foreign language at the ELTE University in Budapest. At present I am in my 6th semester and will take my intermediate examination in June 2005. I expect to complete my studies in January 2007.

As my curriculum vitae indicates, before started studies I worked at two hotels and gained a lot of experience in this area. I like challenges and work with people, I am interested in foreign languages and cultures and want to gain experience in working abroad. As I moved a lot in my life and travelled through many European countries, I am very flexible, spontaneous and always ready for action. At school I learnt as basic language Latin for 7 years, English for 5 years and French for another 5 years (taken my Grammarschool exam in it). At University I am learning Spain since 1,5 years.

Enclosed you will find my curriculum vitae, my Grammarschool report and my references for your consideration. I would appreciate the opportunity of doing a practical placement in Iceland for 4 months during the period from July to October 2005.
Since my childhood when I read about Iceland the first time, I have been fascinated by this country. Last summer I travelled 3 weeks through Skandinavia and was very impressed by the nothern culture. In my opinion, my language skills, my work experiences and my interests comply with your requirements and expectations.
Should you require any further information, please contact me at the above address. I would be glad to supply this information as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

    * Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

brauche Korrekturhilfe :(: ein paar Korrekturen
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:17 Mi 09.03.2005
Autor: Sanne

Hallo Cynthia,

ich fange schonmal mit ein paar Grammatikalischen Sachen an, die mir aufgefallen sind. Aber keine Garantie, dass ich alles erwischt hab

Dear Sirs,

I have read your vacancy for the huntig/fishing lodge in the northern part of Iceland with great interest.

Since September 2002 I have been studying German literature and lingusitics and German as foreign language at the ELTE University in Budapest. At present I am in my 6th semester and will take my intermediate examination in June 2005. I expect to complete my studies in January 2007.

As my curriculum vitae indicates, before I started studies I had worked at two hotels and gained a lot of experience in this area. I like challenges and working with people, I am interested in foreign languages and cultures and want to gain experience in working abroad. As I moved a lot in my life and travelled through many European countries, I am very flexible, spontaneous and always ready for action. At school I have learnt Latin for 7 years as basic language (ich würde das nach hinten ziehen) , English for 5 years and French for another 5 years (taken my Grammarschool exam in it). At University I have been learning Spain for 1,5 years. (Anm: Wenn du es jetzt noch immer lernst, ansonsten I have learnt for 1,5 years)

Enclosed you will find my curriculum vitae, my Grammarschool report and my references for your consideration. I would appreciate the opportunity of doing a practical placement in Iceland for 4 months during the period from July to October 2005.
Since my childhood when I read about Iceland the first time, I have been fascinated by this country. Last summer I travelled 3 weeks through Skandinavia and was very impressed by the nothern culture. In my opinion, my language skills, my work experiences and my interests comply with your requirements and expectations.
Should you require any further information, please contact me at the  address above (würde ich auch wieder ans Satzende stellen). I would be glad to supply this information as soon as possible.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


brauche Korrekturhilfe :(: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:53 Mi 09.03.2005
Autor: cynthia

Wow, das ging echt schnell, hab vielen Dank Sanne!! So schrecklich viele Fehler waren's ja gar nicht, wie ich befürchtet hab :)



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