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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
  Status Lektüre
  Status Korrekturlesen
  Status Übersetzung
  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - grammar
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grammar: find the mistakes-please:)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:36 Fr 27.01.2006
Autor: poochy

Hi ppl:),

grammar isn´t my greatest strength.....and I would be really grateful if you could help me to find those stupid little mistakes in the following sentences...

Here they go

1. I hardly ever watch anything on the first or second programme. I prefer to watch the private channels.

2. Digital TV makes use of relatively new techniques which engineers originally developled for the military.

3. Peole can complain by the Ethics Commission if they believe they have been treated unfair by the media.
(OK, here I think it´s "complain at..."???)

4. A lot of ppl buy a product simply because they have seen it in a spot on TV.

Thanx for ur help!:)

grammar: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:47 Sa 28.01.2006
Autor: Franzie

I started to analyse your sentences, but I cannot guarantee that I have found all the mistakes. Therefore look at them again.

1. I hardly ever watch something on the first or second programme. I prefer   watching the private channels.

2. Digital TV makes use of relative new techniques which engineers originally developled for the military.

3. Peole can complain about the Ethics Commission if they believe they have been treated unfair ly by the media.
(OK, here I think it´s "complain at..."???)

4. A lot of ppl buy a product simply because they have seen it in a spot on TV.

I hope it's right

grammar: thank u + question
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:17 So 29.01.2006
Autor: poochy

First of all: thank you a lot!

The sentence : A lot of people complain by the Ethics Commission ......

is still a prolblem to me, cos ur proposed sentence: .....complain about....
would mean: sich über die Kommission beschweren. Es ist doch aber eigentlich gemeint: sich bei der Kommission über die Medien beschweren.....

that´s y I am still unsure how to change it .....

grammar: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:03 So 29.01.2006
Autor: Franzie

YEs, concerning to the context of the sentence you're right. It has to be "complain at".

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