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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
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  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Grammatik" - grammatik
grammatik < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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grammatik: grammar
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 20:11 So 21.06.2009
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

Hello familiy Hanratty,
how are you ? I m very excited that you want me to be your au pair. Im very happy and i m sorry that i ( melden ) now, but i wasn t at home and now you re not at home too, but i hope you enjoy your holidays and we would be going in contact in the next time. At first i want that you know that i have a little bit problems with the grammatic of englisch but i hope it isn t a problem for you and i m sure i would be learning this fast. Now a little bit about myself. Im very ( freundlich) and i love kids because i must be (aufpassen) of my cousins and i have make a lot of babysittings. And i likes to drawing too, because it is my hobby and i likes to play with children so i hope it would be make for us a lot of fun. I hope Im hearing from you very soon because ( es würde mich sehr freuen) to be a part of your family. P.S I have a new number you can conatct me on this number .... =)

Hallo ich bin es mal wieder ich habe eine große bitte ich muss eine Nachricht an eine Au pair familie schreiben. Könntet ihr bitte auf die grammatik achten da ich es nicht so gut kann . Vielen Dank

grammatik: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 20:44 So 21.06.2009
Autor: leduart

Deine Gr. ist wirklich schwach. damit deine Gastfamilie das merkt, kannst du ja einige Fehler drin lassen!
1. I (ich) wird immer gross geschrieben
2. ich schreib ungern rot, verbessere also einfach und du musst mit deinem alten Text vergleichen.

> Hello family Hanratty, (besser Mss and Mr..)
>  How are you ? I m very excited that you want me to be your
> au pair. Im very happy and i m sorry that i ( melden ) write only now,
> but i wasn't at home and now you too are not at home , but i
> hope you enjoy your holidays and we (would be going) can get in  
> contact in the next time. At first i want that you know
> that i have a little bit problems with the (grammatic of)
> englisch grammar  but i hope this  isn't a problem for you and i m sure
> (i would be learning this fast) I will learn fast. Now a little bit about
> myself. (Im very ( freundlich)) People arund me consider me as very friendly and good natured.  I love kids because I often have to take care  
> (must be (aufpassen)) of my cousins (hier solltest du sagen, wie alt die sind) and (i have make) I did  a lot of
> babysitting. (And i like to drawing too) Also I like to paint (oder meinst du nur zeichnen?), because it is my
> hobby and i like to play with children, so i hope (it would
> be make for us a lot of fun) I will get along with your children  very fine and we will have a lot of fun.. I hope Im hearing from you
> very soon because ( es würde mich sehr freuen)I would really enjoy  to be a part
> of your family. P.S I have a new number you can conatct me
> on this number .... =)

Gruss leduart

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