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Status Englisch
  Status Grammatik
  Status Lektüre
  Status Korrekturlesen
  Status Übersetzung
  Status Sonstiges (Englisch)

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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - probleme Englisch
probleme Englisch < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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probleme Englisch: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 11:04 Do 23.07.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo, hier habe ich probleme

The novel is written narrated from the perspective of an omniscient  narrator. The narrator doesn’t comment the events.  

But several times the narrator perspective shifts to the boys, so that we get an inside in their mind

What happens on the island is conveyable on our own world.

Their life is animalistic, so that the principle survival of the fittest is valid

You can see how Jack more and more acquire the quality of an animal. He begins to smell and wait in his hideout until he can attack the sow.

You can feel the suspense in the air.

He likes to torture the other boys without a reason.

He stands in a desolate situation

You can see Clarisse as the trigger for his transformation

The reader only sees Montag’s point of view what hasn’t to correspond with the reality.

All this measures serve to distract the people from the real life
In diesem Zusammenhang ist wohl dazu dienen = serve falsches Wort.

After the death their bodies are burned and phosphorous product is used as fertilizer.

Their life is characterized by traditional habits and customs.

She has completely false ideas, what will expects there.

Bernard impression is ambivalent. On the one hand he likes that they lead an emotional life and have the possibility to have strong feelings. On the other side he is repulsive of their primitive way of life.  

gruss Dinker

probleme Englisch: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 11:20 So 23.08.2009
Autor: matux

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