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Forum "Grammatik" - simple past or past perfekt
simple past or past perfekt < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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simple past or past perfekt: aufgabe
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 16:24 Sa 25.02.2006
Autor: hiphopergirlnrwno2


1) ...(i/be) bored with my job at tech-co... (i/do) everthing there a thousands times. (because)

2) ... (i/decide) to change jobs, ... (i/start) looking in all the newspaper every day. (as soon as)

3) ...(i/see the advert for an assisant office manager at oxford lasers...(i/send off) an application immediately. (after)

4) i was very excited... (i/read) the ad,... (i / know) that was the job for me. (as soon as)

5) ....(they/ interview) me, ...(i/be) even more sure it was the right job for me. (after)

6) ... (i/ be not) sure how they (feel)... (i/not answer) all their questions very well (because)

7) well, i was lucky.....(they/interview) the other applicants,... (they/offer) me the job! (after)

ich hoffe nur schwer das mir einer hier weiter hlefen kann ich weiß sonst ehrlich nicht weiter!!
danke schonmal
lg sarah

simple past or past perfekt: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:18 Sa 25.02.2006
Autor: jphp

Versuche es doch mal selber: ich geb dir folgenden Hinweis: Past Perfect nimmt man dann, wenn die Aktion VOR einem Ereignis in der Gegenwart passiert, z.B.: Nachdem ich mir das Buch gekauft hatte, las ich es. - After I had bought the book, I read it.

simple past or past perfekt: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 00:28 Mo 27.02.2006
Autor: hiphopergirlnrwno2

ich versuche es dann mal!!!

2) I had decided  to change jobs, as soon as i start looking in all the newspaper every day.

3) I had seen the advert for an assisant office manager at oxford lasers after i sent an application immediately.

4) i was very excited i read the ad,. as soon as i had known that was the job for me.

5) they had interviewed me, after i was even more sure it was the right job for me.

6) i was not sure  how they felt because i had answered all their questions very well

7) well, i was lucky had interviewed  the other applicants, after they offered  me the job!

ok habe es versucht aber bestimmt alles falsch naja!!
ich hoffe einer kann mir weiter helfen und mal nachgucken ob das stimmt!!!
danke schonmal
lg sarah

simple past or past perfekt: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:38 Mo 27.02.2006
Autor: northeastblues

I had decided  to change jobs, as soon as i start looking in all the newspaper every day.

Ich bin nicht sicher, ob Ich Dich richtig verstehe, was Du sagen willst aber...

As soon as I started looking in the newspaper, i decided to change jobs.

I immediately sent off an application, after I saw the advert for an Assistant Office Managers advert at Oxford Lasers.

I was v. excited to read the ad., I knew straight away that it was the (right/perfect) job for me.

After the Interview (or After I was interviewed), I was even more sure/convinced that it was the right job for me.

I wasn't sure how they felt about me, *but* (nicht because) I answered all their questions very well.

Well, I was lucky because after they had interviewd all the other applicants they offered me the job!

Ich hoffe, dass ich dir geholfen habe :)


simple past or past perfekt: Übersicht
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:35 Sa 25.02.2006
Autor: Sabrina1989

[Inhalt aus Urheberrechtsgründen gelöscht. Marc.]

simple past or past perfekt: 1.Beispiel
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 18:48 Sa 25.02.2006
Autor: Sabrina1989

1) I was bored with my job at tech-co, because I did everything there a thousands times.

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