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Forum "Grammatik" - simple past, present perfect o
simple past, present perfect o < Grammatik < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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simple past, present perfect o: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 12:40 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: suzan

Hallöchen zusammen,

simple past, present perfect or perfect progessiv?

1. Hello Mike, how long (you/wait) wait you for me?
2. I (work) work on this exercise since three o'clock.
3. Martin(spend) is spending all his money, he can't buy a new CD.
4. I couldn't understand what anyone said because they (speak) speak French.
5. My team(win) wins three matches so far.
6. Colin (just phone) just phones his girlfriend.

ist das so richtig?


simple past, present perfect o: Antwort (fehlerhaft)
Status: (Antwort) fehlerhaft Status 
Datum: 13:03 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: kruder77


> 1. Hello Mike, how long (you/wait) wait you for me?

Hello Mike, how long did you wait for me?
(Handlung inaktiv - Er wartet nun ja nicht mehr)

>  2. I (work) work on this exercise since three o'clock.

I'am working on this exercise since three o'clock
(Handlung ist aktiv - Ich bin noch bei der Übung)

>  3. Martin(spend) is spending all his money, he can't buy a
> new CD.

Martin have spended all his money, he can't buy a new CD.
(Handlung inaktiv - Er hat das Geld ja schon ausgegeben)

>  4. I couldn't understand what anyone said because they
> (speak) speak French.

....because they spoke French.
(Handlung inaktiv - Ich konnte niemanden verstehen da sie alle französisch sprachen)

>  5. My team(win) wins three matches so far.

My team have won three matches so far.
(inaktiv und aktiv - es hat bisher drei gewonnen aber das tunier ist noch nicht vorbei)

>  6. Colin (just phone) just phones his girlfriend.

Colin have just phone his girlfriend

bei 5&6 bin ich mir ein wenig unsicher...


simple past, present perfect o: Vorschlag
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:16 Fr 30.09.2005
Autor: milky-way

hallo suzan,
hier sind meine vorschlaege:

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> simple past, present perfect or perfect progessiv?
> 1. Hello Mike, how long (you/wait) wait you for me?

Hello Mike, how long have you been waiting for me?

>  2. I (work) work on this exercise since three o'clock.

I've been working on this exercise book since three o'clock.

>  3. Martin(spend) is spending all his money, he can't buy a
> new CD.

Martin has spent all his money, he can't buy a new CD.

>  4. I couldn't understand what anyone said because they
> (speak) speak French.

I coldn't understand what anyone said beause they were speaking french.

>  5. My team(win) wins three matches so far.

My team won three matches so far.

>  6. Colin (just phone) just phones his girlfriend.

Colin just phoned his girlfriend.

simple past, present perfect o: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:23 So 02.10.2005
Autor: Phoebe

> Hallöchen zusammen,
> simple past, present perfect or perfect progessiv?
> 1. Hello Mike, how long (you/wait) wait you for me?

Hello Mike, how long have you been waiting for me?

>  2. I (work) work on this exercise since three o'clock.

I've been working on this exercise since three o'clock.

>  3. Martin(spend) is spending all his money, he can't buy a
> new CD.

Martin has spent (unregelmäßiges verb!) all his money, he can't buy a new CD.

>  4. I couldn't understand what anyone said because they
> (speak) speak French.

... were speaking French.

>  5. My team(win) wins three matches so far.

...has won...

>  6. Colin (just phone) just phones his girlfriend.

...just phoned...

> ist das so richtig?
> LG
>  Suzan

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